How Much Does a wedding dj cost

WEDDING DJS IRELAND COST Your wedding day is the most important of your life, so obviously, you want to know what wedding DJs in Ireland cost.  I hope, as a great wedding DJ, I can be a part of your special day. recently carried out a survey on the...

Choosing The Right Wedding Entertainment

Let’s face it, your wedding day is going to be one of the most pivotal experiences of your life. It is a day where all that is important to you in this world unites to celebrate you, your life and the future you hope to create. This is a big deal.While the hope...
The Corona Virus & Your Wedding

The Corona Virus & Your Wedding

The Virus And Your Wedding We are living in incredibly surreal times. Something as unprecedented as Covid-19 leaves no room for positive anecdotes and reassuring tales from the past to keep us going. The reality is that our only way to get through such an...